Seminary Policies

Nondiscrimination Policy,

Code of Ethics,

Ethical Principles

Non-Discrimination Policy

 Ekklesia Epignostika Seminary (EES) admits students of any age, race, color, national and ethnic origin, religious background, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or disability to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to our students. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national and ethnic origin, religious background, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or disability in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, or any other school-administered program.

 EES strives to accommodate students with disabilities through practices and procedures in the area of presentation, response, setting, and timing/scheduling that provide access to instruction for students having difficulties.

 EES is committed to fostering an environment, that promotes the dignity, equality and safety of all members of its community. This commitment is promoted by mutual respect and an appreciation of diversity.

Violence, abuse and/or harassment are not tolerated, whether perpetrated by students, employees or volunteers. All members of the EES community have the right to expect that violence, abuse and harassment will be fairly and decisively identified and dealt with when reported.

 Code of Ethics

 Ekklesia Epignostika Seminary, hereby states that all staff, Deacons, Priest and Bishops and students agree to behave in the manor outlined in this document.

 Speak and act in ways that honor the dignity and value of every individual.

 Provide care that is intended to promote the best interest of our staff and students, to foster strength, integrity and healing.

 Demonstrate respect for the cultural and religious values of those we work with in the greater community around us. Reflect and teach in all we do daily The Christ Light and Love.

Are mindful of the imbalance of power in the pastoral and student teacher relationship and refrain from exploitation of that imbalance.

 Maintain relationships with students and staff a professional.

 Avoid or correct any conflicts of interest or appearance of conflicting interest(s).

 Refrain from any form of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment or sexual assault in relationships with students, colleagues and our community work.

 Refrain from any form of harassment, coercion, intimidation or otherwise abusive words or actions in relationships with students, colleagues or greater community work. This includes Emails, Facebook, Twitter, social networking sites, digital, or any other forms of media.

 Safeguard the confidentiality of staff and students when using materials for educational purposes or written publication.

 Respect the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by staff, students, or during community outreach when communicating with others for the safety of any person or when required by law.

 Understand the limits of their individual expertise and make referrals to other professionals when appropriate. We are clergy and as such are designated as spiritual counselors. We do not advise medically. Medically includes both physical and psychiatric.

 Seek to establish collaborative relationships with other spiritual communities.

 Ensure that private conduct does not impair the ability to fulfill professional responsibilities or bring dishonor to EES.

 Clearly distinguish between statements made or actions taken as a private individual and those made as a member or representative of EES.

 Ethical Principles in Relationships Between Supervisors/Educators and Students

Maintain a healthy educational environment free of coercion or intimidation.

 Maintain clear boundaries in the areas of self-disclosure, intimacy and sexuality.

 Provide clear expectations regarding responsibilities, work schedules, fees and payments.

 Provide adequate, timely and constructive feedback to students.

 Maintain a healthy respect for the personal growth of students and provide appropriate professional referrals.

 Maintain appropriate confidentiality regarding all information and knowledge gained in the course of supervision.

 Ethical Principles in Relationships with Spiritual Community

Maintain good standing in their faith group.

 Abide by the professional practice and/or teaching standards of the state/province/country, the community and the institution in which they are employed.

 Do not directly or by implication claim professional qualifications that exceed actual qualifications or misrepresent an affiliation with any institution.

 Ethical Principles in Relationships with Colleagues

Honor all consultations, whether personal or pastoral, with the highest professional regard and confidentiality.

 Maintain sensitivity and professional protocol of the employing institution and/or the certifying organization when receiving or initiating referrals.

 Exercise due caution when communicating through the Internet or other electronic means.

 Respect each other and support the integrity and well being of their colleagues.

 Take collegial and responsible action when concerns about or direct knowledge of incompetence, impairment, misconduct or violations against this code arise.