July 1. Canada – Canada Da July 3. Zoroastrianism – Ghambar Maidyoshem ends July 4. USA […]
May 1. Baha’i – Twelfth Day of Ridvan Wicca – Beltane May 2. Eastern Christianity – […]
April 1. Western Christianity – Easter Monday April 2. UN – World Autism Day April 4. […]
    St. Francis. Patron Saint of the environment and animals. Photograph by Reverend Steve Waites […]
February 1. UN – World Interfaith Harmony Week February 2. Wiccan – Imbolc UNEP – World […]
January 1. New Years Day Shintoism – Gantan-sai January 4. Zoroastrianism – Ghambar Maidyarem ends. International […]
  “Peace be with you from peace, love from love, grace from grace, faith from faith, life […]
October 1. Judaism – Second Day of Sukkot Christianity – World Communion Day UN – International […]
Graduation 2023 Grace Theological Seminary Ekklesia Epignostika Seminary https://gracechurchnyc.org/ 802 Broadway New York, New York  Graduation […]
Picture by Mark DeBry August 1. Baha’i – Kamal Wicca – Lammas Full Moon – Supermoon […]