Welcome to Ekklesia Epignostika Seminary

 The EEC Is Dedicated To Educating Students Who Are Called To An Active Sacramental Ministry

Priestly formation during seminary is the experience of deepening your relationship with God, increasing your self-awareness as you answer your call by the Holy Spirit to ministry service, rigorous academic study, prayer, and learning how to be a productive colleague in a community of peers.

In the Ekklesia Epignostika Church Seminary (EEC Seminary), we teach and model the skills, strengths, and resilience needed to answer a call to service by the Holy Spirit, while responding with an acceptance and heartfelt welcome to the diversity implicit in the call. As such, we encourage our Seminarians and our Priests to act in concert with the call to service that they have received from the Holy Spirit.

Some of our Seminarians have come to us from Orthodox traditions, and some have entered through the Esoteric paths.  Some have come to us through their deep love for Nature, and some through a need to address Social Justice. There are some who have been called to become monastics, some to be activists, and some are called to be scholars. All are welcome. We are not here to question your gifts. We are here to guide and support you on your path to ordination and service. As such, we emphasize a rigorous education and strong dedication and commitment to service.

          There are five (5) levels of Holy Orders in the EEC Seminary.

During HO I the Postulant enters into deep discernment regarding his/her priestly ministry vocation with his/her Academic Tutor, Spiritual Counselor, and Clergy Advisor. By the completion of HO I, the Seminarian will be able to speak with increased clarity about the discernment of his/her call to a priestly vocational ministry specialization.

From HO II to graduation, all Seminarians are required to act upon their vocational discernment and participate in courses and hands-on practicums with faculty assessments that will eventually lead to either a Chaplaincy or a Pastoral Ministry specialization.

At graduation from Holy Orders the newly ordained EEC priest is well prepared to serve God’s creation actively as a Chaplain or in Pastoral Ministry.

Please contact us to inquire about EEC Seminary admission requirements at http://theseminary.org eecseminary@outlook.com

 One of our staff will reply to you shortly to discuss the admission process.

 Thank you,

 Grace and Peace,

The Very Reverend Katia Romanoff, Ph.D.

Presiding Bishop Ekklesia Epignostika Church

Dean of the Ekklesia Epignostika Church Seminary